Sunday, August 7, 2011

4 month Check-up and VBS

At Cannon's 4 month check-up he weighed in at 18.3 pounds (95th percentile) and was 25 inches long (75th percentile). Doctor Freeman said he was growing at a healthy rate and that she expects his baby blues to stay blue!! Just like his sister! When I imagined what my kids would look like before they were born, blue eyes were never one of the things that I dreamed of. Ben and I both have brown eyes, but one thing is for sure... I LOVE my blue eyed babies :-)

Cannon is now eating rice cereal and was given the go ahead to try oatmeal and other cereal varieties. I am also sure rolling over is on the top pf Cannon's to do list.

Morgan singing one of the songs she learned at VBS to the church congregation. She didn't do much singing, but she did great at the motions, lol.

Crazy hair day at VBS!