Sunday, April 18, 2010

Summertime Means Baseball

Morgan said, "Wanna catch a ball!" Papa bought her one instead :-)
Morgan wanted to hug Louie. Later she called him a duck, lol!

Morgan and Daddy
Peanut butter and jelly at the game

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Silver Dollar City

Riding the Frog
Waving to mom!
Riding the Butterfly

Spraying Water

In the ball house
Playing in the water

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Conversations with Morgan

Scene 1 : Walking down the raod with Morgan in the stroller she looks up and says:
Morgan: Nice Pants
Me: Thank you
Morgan: Cute Clothes :-)
So fashion forward already, lol!

Scene 2 : Eating a popsicle with Ben
Morgan: Daddy BIG truck
Ben: Yep, Daddy has a big truck
Morgan: Morgan big truck...older (She is so much like Ben)

Scene 3: Morgan went with mom to Wal Mart and they saw birds in the lawn and graden section so I asked her what she saw at Wal Mart.
Morgan: Birds
Me: What were the birds doing?
Morgan: Tweeting

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

A hunting we will go!
Found one...
Morgan and Daddy hunting eggs
Morgan and Addie :-)
All the cousins
Morgan in the Easter dress Grandma Arnall made!
All kinds of goodies!
Morgan's Easter wheelbarrow from Grandma Kennedy