Thursday, September 3, 2009

Doctor's Visit

Morgan had her 15 month check-up yesterday and she weighed in at 24 pounds which is the 75% for her weight, and she was 33 inches tall and in the 100% for her height. I can also tell her feet have grown because some of her shoes are getting to small :-)

She got 3 shots, two of them were boosters from previous vaccinations and the other was the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. The doctor also informed me that 10 % of kids will actually come down with the measles or mumps within 7-10 days of receiving the vaccine. So...what's the point of getting the vaccine if she ends up getting it anyways? I don't know...

Morgan hates shots as most people do, but she immediately stopped crying when they gave her a small cup filled with cookies.

Morgan can now say 25-30 words that other people can understand. She says a lot more, and I know what she means a lot of the time, but I don't think anyone else would understand Morgan language.
Some of the words Morgan says:
  1. Puppy
  2. outside
  3. Mommy
  4. Dadda
  5. Nanie and Nana
  6. Papa
  7. Marley
  8. Ball
  9. color
  10. No!