Cannon after a dip in the pool. Swimming always makes me tired too!
Today Cannon and Morgan both had well visits with the doctor. It's always bittersweet to go to these appointments because you get to see how your babies are growing and developing as well as getting all you questions answered by the doctor. The bitter side is someone usually ends up crying and not feeling well later because of the vaccines they get while they are there.
Cannon's appointment was first. He weighed in at 14 lbs. 13 oz and was 23 and 3/4 inches tall. That made him in the 90th% for his weight and 75th% for height. He is meeting all his milestones and is a very healthy guy :-) Before we could leave with him for the day he got 3 shots in the legs and 1 oral vaccine. I just HATE seeing babies get shots, but I always remind myself that these vaccines keep him healthy and safe, and I would have it no other way. Seeing you kids sick is WAY worse then seeing them cry over a shot. A shot they get over very quickly, and illness...not so much.
Then cam Morgan. Morgan weighed in at 35.7 lbs and was 39 and 1/2 inches tall. That made her in the 90th % for weight and 95th percentile for her height. She has always been a big girl and it looks like the trend is continuing! The doctor said she anticipates Morgan to be 5'9'' to 5'10'' when she is an adult!! TALL LADY!!! Morgan got off the hook today and didn't have to get ant shots. In fact she is in the clear until she starts kindergarten :-)
Today I realized that this blog was something that I never really thought of it as...it's a record book. I was able to look back to 2008 and look at Morgan's 2 month doctors appointment and compare her and Cannon's results. When you have your first baby you think, "I'll never forget this information." Because at the time it is so important, then life goes on and you realize there are so many important events in your kids lives that there is no way to remember their stats at their 2 month appointment!!! So I was thrilled to be able to look back at Morgan's 2 month stats to compare. At 2 months Morgan and Cannon were pretty much the same height, however Cannon is weighing in about 3 more pounds than her! It's fun to watch them both grow, and I am so glad I keep this blog.