On April 4th, 2011 I was scheduled to be induced at St. John's hospital. We didn't tell anyone we were going in, mainly becuase we wanted our privacy and to enjoy the experience as a couple. At around 7:30 Dr. Wotherspoon, my OBGYN, broke my water and started my pitocin (the medication used to induce contractions). Well that did the trick, I went from being very comfortable to overwhelming contractions very quickly. No fear though...my epidural was ordered BEFORE anything else happened. About 30 minutes later I had my epidual and life was great again. I didn't feel a thing! Around 11:15 I could tell there was some pressure that wasn't there before, so the nurse checked me, and sure enough I was ready to push. When Dr. Wotherspoon arrived about 10 minutes later I began to push. It only took about 5-10 minutes more and Cannon was here. No one got to announce to me what the gender was, I looked down and screamed, "It's a BOY!" I was pretty suprised even though I had predicted a boy all along. The nurse quickly took Cannon to be weight and assessed. To my suprise he weighed in at a healthy 9 pounds 8 ounces. I was uncomfortable for the past few months for a good reason, lol. Anyway, Cannon is great. He is layed back and easy going. Morgan loves him, and Ben and I are beside ourselves with joy. I am suprised when I look at Cannon how much he looks like Morgan did when she was an infant. Look back in the blog at my first post and compare pics. it's amazing :-) After his delivery Cannon has some issues with his blood sugar and jaundice so they kept a pretty close eye on him. I had to supplement feeding with formula a few times, to keep his blood sugar up and to help him have as many diapers as he could so the jaundice would get out of his system. When we were ready to go home his juandice levels were still too high so they sent us home with a billi blanket. It's like a little pad that lights up with UV light and is supposed to get rid of the billirubin in his system. I hated that thing, it was such a pain in the rear, but today we got the all clear from the doctor. No more billi blanket! We spent the afternoon playing outside with Morgan and having dinner with Nanny and Papa Arnall.Life is good!
Morgan is a great big sister! She is always asking to hold baby Cannon.
Meeting Cannon for the first time.
Cannon Adam Arnall
9 pounds 8 ounces
22 inches long
His feet are so big they hardley fit inside the box for his footprint!