Well summer is coming to an end and fall is here. Morgan loves the cooler weather, but she misses swimming in the pool terribly. Morgan has grown like a weed! Getting her a new wardrobe for the fall was quite suprising, she is wearing a 4T in tops and a 3T in pants!!! She is only 2 year ols, lol. Other than that she is keeping us on our toes and busy all the time. Soon we will be moving her to her "Big Girl Bed" since we will need her bed for the new baby.
Something she said to me this morning, and I am sure she has heard this somewhere but it made me smile:
Me: How old are you?
Morgan: 2
Morgan: Are you 1?
Me: No I'm not 1...I am old.
Morgan: No...you're not old, you're perfect. (slightly smiling and tilting her head to the side)
Also, Ben and I went to the doctor last week. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat (160 per/min.) And the doctor said everything was looking fine. I haven't gained any weight...yet. Although I definatley look pregnant. Lots to come!
Also we have decided to decorate the nursery with prints from Eric Carle books! I am so excited! Brown Bear, Brown Bear is our main inspiration since it is Morgan's favorite!