Morgan went to the doctor the other day for her 18 month vacinations even though is is 20 months old now. She got 2 shots, one was H1N1 and the other I honestly can't remember right now.
Morgan weighed in at 27 pounds and she was 35 and 1/4 inches tall, so almost 3 feet tall. For her wieght she was in the 85th percentile and her height was still in the 100th percentile. She is still a tall girl.
The appointment went suprisingly well. I told Morgan everything that would happen to prepare her and when the doctor came in she was all smiles. She opened her mouth for the doctor and didn't seem nervous at all. When she left I knew the nurse would be in soon so I started tell her about what the nurse would do. The nurse came in and gave Morgan 2 shots, a band aid, and a cup of cookies! Morgan didn't cry a single tear!!! She was such a good girl.