So my dad bought Morgan a battery powered 4 wheeler! It looks just like the real thing, except it's all plastic! Is so funny to see her on it. To make it go you have to push a foot pedal, Morgan can push the pedal, but often times forgets to hold on to the handle bars! It's pretty fast so when she's not holding on, it throws her backwards, I have to be standing right there at all times! There is also a turbo option...it's not plugged in yet. I am sure someday soon she'll want it to go faster, but for now it's fast enough :-)Also, check out Morgan's blog to vote on what she should be for Halloween!
Morgan had her 15 month check-up yesterday and she weighed in at 24 pounds which is the 75% for her weight, and she was 33 inches tall and in the 100% for her height. I can also tell her feet have grown because some of her shoes are getting to small :-) She got 3 shots, two of them were boosters from previous vaccinations and the other was the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. The doctor also informed me that 10 % of kids will actually come down with the measles or mumps within 7-10 days of receiving the vaccine. So...what's the point of getting the vaccine if she ends up getting it anyways? I don't know... Morgan hates shots as most people do, but she immediately stopped crying when they gave her a small cup filled with cookies.
Morgan can now say 25-30 words that other people can understand. She says a lot more, and I know what she means a lot of the time, but I don't think anyone else would understand Morgan language. Some of the words Morgan says: - Puppy
- outside
- Mommy
- Dadda
- Nanie and Nana
- Papa
- Marley
- Ball
- color
- No!