Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Break

Morgan LOVES her walker. She also LOVES her clothes hamper. Put the two together and this is what you get! She was running up and down the halway like this, and got a little upset when I had to out the hamper away.

Getting showered and dressed, is much more difficult than it used to be :-) While I was showering, Morgan was playing in the bathroom floor. This is what I found when I got out!! Up to no good!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

9 Month Check-Up

Morgan and I went to the doctor yesterday for her 9 month check-up. Thankfully there were no shots this time! The doctor did say she was in the 80th percentile for her height, the 93rd percentile for her weight, and that she has a large head! Uncle Kyle said it was becuase she was so smart and has big brains :-) She said she was growing well and everything else looked great.

We are looking forward to Spring Break next week. Morgan and I have lots of plans, including shopping, playing, and getting ready for summer. I look forward to getting a little swimming pool for the back yard this summer, and doing as many outdoor activities as we can.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

New Things!

Morgan discovered the drawer under the stove this weekend, and she decided that's where her "kitchen" toys belong. Don't worry, when the stove is on, it's not hot to the touch! Doesn't she look like such a big girl?!

Pick me up!


My snow suit was a little small, but at least I got to play :-)

Marley's toys are much more fun than mine!
Hey?! What are you lookin' at?